Encampment Transportation

Parents & Cadets, 

There will be two vans making a run from HQ to Volk Field on Saturday for encampment. If you live closer to La Crosse than Volk Field, you are more than welcome to get a ride there. If you live closer to Volk Field, you may take yourself/your cadet there. 

The vans will be leaving the Squadron at 0930hrs. So please arrive before 0930hrs. 

There will be no return trip on 1 July. Parents must pick up their cadets (if the cadets aren’t driving themselves) on 1 July on graduation day. Please follow instructions posted by the encampment or what was included in the online forms https://wiwgencampment.org/.

If you are planning on riding with in the squadron van on Saturday, please type in your name on this spreadsheet so we can know who to expect. 

The vans are leaving right at 0930. Make sure you have everything with you for encampment and have fun!

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