EAA Airshow instructions

We will be leaving from HQ at 0830 – please arrive a few minutes ahead of time so we can load and be ready to go at that time.

Remember:  1)  Permission slip 2)  Hydration – it’s going to be hot tomorrow, so bring extra, 3)  Rain gear – there is a chance of rain, especially early, 4)  Money for food and purchasing items, 5)  Food/Snacks for the van – we will stop at Kwik Trip on the way, but we don’t want the cadets to be hangry on the road.

UOD:  Squadron t-shirt (or another sand-colored shirt if you don’t have a squadron t-shirt) and appropriate pants/shorts.  I’m personally planning on shorts with the predicted temperatures.  Shoes should be comfortable enough for a full day of walking, yet cool that your feet don’t melt.

We’ll be planning and discussing ways to stay cool and enjoy our day in Oshkosh. Contact Major Munns with questions: +1 (608) 779-4947

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