[Cadets] Good Morning

Richard Merz rmerz3 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 08:12:24 CDT 2014

Good Morning Cadets,

Thirteen years ago today, our nation was attacked by extremists from the
terrorist group Al Qaeda.  Most of you have no memory of this day.  Some of
you were not even born yet; this is a strange concept to many of us who
remember these events as if they occurred last week.

Just under 3,000 innocent civilians (representing 90 different countries)
perished that morning as direct result of the attacks.  An estimated 1,500
police, fire, and emergency response personnel have died in the years
following as a direct result of the response.  America had not experienced
horror like this since the attack on Pearl Harbor 60 years earlier.  Our
nation has also suffered the loss of 5,354 military service members to date.

The first plane hit the North Tower at 7:46 am CST, the second plane at
8:03 am CST, the third crashed into the Pentagon at 8:37 am CST, and the
fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania at 9:03 am CST after a struggle
in the air by some brave passengers fighting for their lives.

Over a decade later, there is a lot of criticism, conspiracy theories, and
opinions on the events that happened that day and our nation's response.
However, in the hours, days, weeks, months, and even years following those
attacks the United States experienced a strong sense of unity and pride.
Congress rapidly passed a resolution authorizing military force; only one
US Rep voted against it.  We mourned together and were united together.

There are many videos, pictures, and audio clips from these attacks.  Some
of them are very powerful images and some are very graphic.  This is the
first radio address <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP1K84iRZPo> by
President Bush on the morning of 9/11.  This is a short clip
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7OCgMPX2mE> of a speech he made at ground
zero during the cleanup efforts.

The horrible events that happened on this day and the days following bring
strong emotions to people.  Everyone can tell you exactly where they were
when they heard the news.  It is something that we will never forget.  The
way of life in American changed forever that day.

The Civil Air Patrol was the first non-military aircraft flying after the
attacks.  In fact, most of the aerial photographs you see from right after
the attacks are from the Civil Air Patrol.  Many volunteers like yourselves
stand ready to serve America at a moments notice.

Please take a moment today to remember those who lost their lives as a
result of these horrible attacks.

Deputy Commander for Cadets
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